Health2047 Capital Partners' unique position yields better investment returns and healthcare outcomes


The friction in U.S. care delivery presents a massive opportunity for those with the right access, insights, and connections. We work to ensure that our affiliation with the American Medical Association benefits each new investment we make.

Health2047 Capital Partners invests alongside other top-tier venture firms and institutional investors in established companies led by experienced healthcare entrepreneurs with proven track records. While we are stage-agnostic, our investment entry point is typically Series A and beyond, after business formation has occurred, an experienced leadership team is in place, and a feasible pathway to commercialization has been established. We seek to invest in technology or technology-enabled services and solutions across the health industry (e.g., pharma, devices, provider, and payer).

We aligned our Fund I investments with the strategic arcs developed by Health2047 Inc. and the AMA. Specifically, we have invested in enterprises with clear and profitable competitive advantages in four strategic focus areas:

  • Radical productivity — applying AI, machine learning, and other relevant technologies

  • Healthcare value — capitalizing on revenue disruption opportunities

  • Chronic disease — reengineering care delivery

  • Data — improving data liquidity, rights, interoperability and security

Health2047 Capital Partners, Health2047 Inc., and the AMA together understand the evolving requirements of the U.S. healthcare system. We are laser-focused on investing in existing companies capable of tackling the challenges U.S. healthcare faces, both now and in the future.